Enlight can help everyone in one key area, which we all deal with on a daily basis, our interpersonal relationships (boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, mom, dad, etc.). Measured by a scientific tool called the Symptom Assessment 45 (SA-45), interpersonal sensitivity, which is “how easily you have your feelings hurt”, decreases drastically after a single Enlight treatment.
In a relationship, during a discussion, debate or argument, you may hear something about yourself, which contains a grain of truth. Feeling threatened, you will then find it hard to communicate well. You may not be able to fully listen and understand what you are hearing because that bit of knowledge about yourself that you just heard has “stung” or scared you. You now fear that people will think there is something wrong with you, that you are not going to be liked or loved.
This exaggerated response to criticism is aptly named “interpersonal sensitivity” and Enlight works robustly on this symptom area, consistently measuring the highest degree of change.
Friction occurs in all relationships so, if you are having some trouble in your relationship and would like to make it easier to discuss difficult issues and work through problems, I hope you will try Enlight which will give you the layer of insulation you need to effectively communicate and work through issues. With your new “thicker skin”, you will find it easier to get through tough times with much less emotional energy.