Addiction, Part 3

Not too surprisingly, addiction is one of the hardest things for Enlight to make a difference with. I think it does do a remarkable job, but the challenge is before the application. In other words, helping a person through talk therapy prepare themselves for this transformation.

Whenever I work with heroin addicts, for example, I’ll ask them before I offer them Enlight or we apply the Enlight application, “If there was a button I had here, a big button on the wall, and all you would have to do is press that button and you’d never use heroin again, would you press that button?” And surprisingly, or maybe not too surprisingly to you, most will say no and I know at that point that it’s not a good time to apply Enlight.

The ideal time to apply this treatment, especially for addiction but for everyone and all situations, is when you’re ready, when you really want to change and you are truly sick and tired of the way you’ve been functioning, particularly your defense system.

Defenses have a history of giving us a subjective sense of safety and protection and well being, albeit temporary, especially with addiction. The key is to be willing and be ready to press that button. If you press that button, for example, you would never smoke cigarettes again. If you press that button, you would never overeat again. It’s just getting your mind right to allow a treatment to do as deep a cleansing as possible. That oftentimes takes sitting down with a talk therapist and trying to get to that decision point where you are convinced that this is the best thing for you to do and know that you would be able to press that button and go forward with your life.